Service Line Inventory of PWSD3 System

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Use the updated form below:

Contact Info

What is your account number?

What is your account number? If you have TWO accounts, please complete the form for each account. If you have more than two, please list all in the below.
If you have more than three accounts, please list each separated by a comma and fill out information on your main account. A different form may be used later.

Names, Billing Address & Service Address

NAME: What name(s) should be on your bill? BILLING: What address is your bill delived? SERVICE: Were is your water meter located?

If there are two people, place a hyphen between the names like “Dennis-Tawnya”
BILLING Address – which may be the same as the service address or it might be a PO Box or other location. This is where the bill is delivered.
SERVICE Address – the actual location where the water meter is located.

Email – if no email address, type NONE.
Second Email – if no email address, type NONE or leave blank

Phone Numbers and Carriers

Phone: What is the best and next-best number to reach you if there is a problem?

CARRIER: Who is your cell phone carrier? This will allow PWSD3 to text you important information and notices, such as a reminder that your bill wasn’t paid or that your meter will be shut off for non-payment.

Best phone number to call if there is a problem.
Messaging Preference
Check options we can use to contact you quickly. Have you “Liked” us on Facebook at ? — PWSD3 updates Facebook the quickest but we have also sent important information and notices, such as a reminders that your bill wasn’t paid or that your meter will be shut off for non-payment. when your email is in the system. We hope to increase options by asking for email and text abilities. (Select as many as needed.)

Next best phone number to call if there is a problem.

LANDLINE: If you still have a landline, what is that phone number? If you do not have one, please write NONE. If you still have a landline, what is that phone number? If you do not have one, please write NONE.

Information about your Home/Farm/Business

Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder.

Take a picture to show the pipe material

Where does the water line come into your home?  This scratch one shows that copper was used in this home.

If you can not upload the image, please email the image to with your name and account number in the message.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Find where the water line comes into your home. Take a picture of that area. Upload it. If you can not upload the image this way, please email the image to with your name and account number in the message.
Building Type?
BUILDING: What kind of BUILDING does the meter serve?
Selected Value: 1950
When was your house built? Slide the dot to the best guess.
Selected Value: 1986
When was the last time your waterline was installed from the meter to your home/business/etc.? Was it before or after 1986? If you have put in a replacement line, please use that date. This is not the original well to house date. Slide the dot to the best guess.
Outside Pipe?
What type of material was used to install your waterline (from the meter into your home/business/etc.)?
Pipe Size?
SIZE: What size is the waterline from the meter to your home/business/etc.?
Plumbing Installed?
When was plumbing installed in your HOME/BUSINESS/ETC.? Some homes have been gutted and all new pipes reinstalled which may have removed any lead or copper pipes. Use the newest date.

Types of Pipe


Inside Pipe?
What is the Primary type of plumbing materials inside your HOME/BUSINESS/ETC?.
How were you able to answer the questions about your property? (Select as many as needed.)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
You can skip this one if you already uploaded the picture of where the water come into your house? but some of you may need another opportunity. = )
Filter Use?
Do you use water filters? Do you use filters on faucets, under sink filter systems, or whole house water softener? Do you use a Water Pitcher like Brita, Aquagear, Aqua Bliss, Levoit, etc. (Select as many as needed.)


Do you have a pool?
Continuous Water Use?
Does water run continuously through the meter? This lets us know if there may be unexpected issues. (Select as many as needed.)

FINALLY – Click the SUBMIT button, and you will be done.

By submitting this form, you agree that you have answered the questions to the best of your ability. If you are unsure of any answers, someone may follow up later for clarification.

Thank you for providing your information, as it is invaluable.